Suspension of Face-to-Face Classes Until After Chinese New Year 2022年1月12日起暫停面授課堂安排 2022-01-12
Following the EDB’s announcement on 11th Jan of the suspension of face-to-face classes and all on-campus activities at all primary schools and kindergartens (including the cancellation or postponement of examinations and other activities within school premises) on or before Friday (January 14) until the end of our Chinese New Year holidays, our face-to-face class suspension is to come into effect from 12th Jan to 28th Jan with virtual classes in its place to ensure that day-to-day teaching and learning will continue unabated despite a shift to the digital platform.
For details, please peruse the e-circular.
有關課堂安排詳見 eClass 通告。
Our School Opens from 12th to 28th January
In light of the increasing severity of the Omicron variant, our school is temporarily not open to students throughout the period of suspension, but that said, staff will be appointed to take care of students who have to go back to school owing to a lack of carers at home. Our school opens between 8 am and 12:35 pm from Monday to Friday and parents are urged to take their children to the campus and pick them up within this time frame if the situation arises. On condition that students are ordered to undergo compulsory testing, their entry permission will be subject to the test result and only those with a negative result will be allowed to enter our premises.