
Youth Uniformed Groups 制服團隊

As part of our commitment to instilling discipline and team spirit into students, we have established uniformed groups to equip them with leadership skills.  Participating in the activities, they learn to be independent and self-assured while volunteering offers them the chance to make a meaningful contribution so that they can develop a sense of pride in the community.

Cub Scouts TME Brigade 20
幼童軍屯門東第 20 旅

Committed to the education of youngsters, the Hong Kong Scout Association provides them with challenging and progressive training to promote personal development in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetics domains.

Brownie  TMS 388 NT Pack
小女童軍屯門南分區 388 NT Pack

As a leading international youth organization, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association empowers girls and young women to realize their potential, equipping them with leadership skills to become responsible citizens of the world.


The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong,  Team 85
香港基督少年軍 85隊

Through Christian education and holistic leadership training programmes, young people foster a positive attitude and develop a good character from an early age to become servant leaders who can make the most of their talents to build a vibrant and harmonious society.

Flag-raising Team P273
升旗隊 P273

Hosting the flag-raising ceremony at schools and organizations allows students and the public to gain a deeper understanding of the nation, enhance their recognition and foster a stronger sense of national identity.

Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol NTN231
香港交通安全隊 NTN231

The Hong Kong Road Safety Association imparts basic knowledge of traffic safety to young members in order that they adopt a serious attitude towards the use of roads which in consequence permeates the entire society, helping to heighten the awareness of traffic safety among the public.  It instils discipline into them and fosters a sense of responsibility, sharpening their leaderships skills.

Red Cross Junior Units 137

Undergoing a progressive mode of training, members are nurtured to develop leadership skills, train to have a keen awareness of personal health and good discipline to become responsible citizens in the community, participating in different types of activities, including training, community services, international exchanges, and building rapport to broaden their global perspective.