Anti-Bullying Policy 反欺凌(和諧校園)政策

It is our mission to provide a safe, harmonious and caring environment for students to learn happily and grow healthily. With this in mind, a ‘zero tolerance policy’ has been put in place to ensure that bullying of any kind is not acceptable and will never be tolerated.  Bullying may occur through several types of antisocial behavior such as verbal teasing, use of violence or cyber-bullying for reasons of poverty, races, special educational needs, sexual discrimination to name but a few.  In support of our aim to create a harmonious campus, there is a vast amount of support and guidance available for both teachers and students to raise their awareness about bullying and the procedures that they need to adhere to for reporting the incident.


本校致力提供一個安全、和諧、關愛和互助的環境,讓學生愉快學習和健康成長,對校園欺凌採取「零容忍」政策,無論任何形式(包括 語言、暴力及網上欺凌等)或任何原因(包括貧困、種族、特殊教育需要或性別歧視等)的欺凌行為,絕不容忍和輕視。本校亦銳意為師生提供有關支援,提升師生對校園不和諧氣氛的警覺性及了解對應欺凌及暴力行為的程序,從而建立和諧校園。