Admissions Process 報讀方法

Transfer Application

Parents seeking entry into our school for their child from Primary 1 to 4 are required to complete an application form and return it to our office along with a copy of relevant identity documents and academic qualifications.

1.  How to Apply:

The application process requires the submission of the following credentials either by mail or in person to us during office hours.

  1. A completed application form
  2. A copy of the prospective student's school report of the last two years 
  3. A copy of the prospective student's birth certificate or relevant identity documents

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Saturday (9 a.m.- 12 p.m.)

2.  Entrance Examinations and Interviews 

 Each applicant will be informed officially of the date and time of the entrance examination and interview.

3.  Results Notification

Parents will be notified of the outcome of their application within one week following the sitting of the entrance examination and interview, and please appreciate that any specific enquiry to be made during this period is deemed unnecessary on the grounds that only prospective students admitted by the school will be contacted by telephone on an individual basis.
取錄結果將於完成入學考試及面試後一周內通知,校方不會於此期間提供電話查詢。 凡獲本校取錄者將以個別電話通知,落選者將不會另行通知。

4.  Available Levels for Transfer Application:  Primary 1 - 5
可供申請級別︰ 一至五年級

5.  Download: Admission Form
     下載申請表格︰ 入學申請表格

6.  Eligibility Requirements

1. Meet the admission criteria established by the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

2. Achieve B+ or above in conduct