Background Information 學校背景
Lutheran Education Worldwide The Lutheran Church of Hong Kong is our sponsoring body which offers first-class education, through its vast network of 2,613 schools all over the world, including universities, international schools, secondary schools, primary schools and kindergartens. In Hong Kong, there are 2 international schools, 6 secondary schools, 6 primary schools, 12 kindergartens and 10 kindergartens, along with two other international schools located in mainland China. 路德教育遍全球 香港路德會乃本校所屬辦學團體。路德會優質教育遍全球,全球共有2613所學校,包括大學、國際學校、中學、小學及幼稚園。於香港已有2所國際學校、6所中學、6所小學、12所幼稚園及10所幼兒園。於國內亦有2所國際學校。
Unique Educational Resources Each year, the Lutheran Church in the United States dispatches foreign missionaries to our school through the International Volunteer Program and the Short-Term Mission Teams to spread the word of Jesus Christ and give teachers and students a richer understanding of distinct culture-specific practices, enabling us to foster an international culture at the campus. Likewise, we also send teachers and students to Lutheran Elementary School in Australia and the Lutheran Church in the United States annually for academic exchanges of gospel message, providing them with unparalleled opportunities to live in the host family of the local church to not only experience the native customs but also use authentic English in context as they learn, which further broadens their perspective of the world. 本會提供獨特資源 位於美國的路德總會每年均會透過國際義工計劃及短宣隊派遣外籍宣教士到校,與本校師生作福音分享及文化交流,讓本校能營造國際文化教育的校園氛圍。本校每年亦會派師生到位於澳洲的路德會小學及位於美國路德會的教會作福音學術交流,本校師生會居於當地教會的接待家庭,體驗當地風土人情及活學活用地道英語。 |
School Name During the Tongzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty, Christianity initially spread to Qilin Town, Puning, Chiu Chow, where Mr. Lui Cheung Kwong resided as a young man and the eminent father of the philanthropist, Mr. Lui Ming Choi. Through the preaching of the gospel, Mr. Lui Cheung Kwong came to faith in Jesus without hesitation and led his family to receive the sacrament of baptism to start a new life as a Christian. By virtue of his fervent belief in Christianity, he did not worship the ancestral idols with villagers to adhere rigorously to the Biblical principles and thence he was eventually crowded out of the countryside to seek freedom in following his religion. Lui Ming Choi Foundation was established as a result to respect and admire his braveness and loyalty to God. With the assistance of the Education Department and the Lutheran Church, the Foundation was named after Mr. Lui Cheung Kwong and founded Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Primary School in honour of the distinguished contribution he made to the Baptist church. As the sole primary school in Hong Kong named after the late Mr. Lui Cheung Kwong, we are adjacent to Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College and Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Kindergarten. 學校之命名 呂公祥光乃慈善家呂明才先生之尊翁,年少時,於清同治年間,基督教初傳潮州普寧縣麒麟埠倉頭寮鄉,即信仰基督,並帶領其家人接受福音,加入浸信會。祥光先生因堅信主道,遵守經教訓,不與鄉中族人隨俗敬祭祖先偶像,以致常遭鄉人困擾排擠,而遷離本鄉,移居市鎮,尋找信仰自由。呂明才基金為景仰其勇敢忠誠愛主,承教育署及路德會之協助,以呂祥光命名,開辧了路德會呂祥光小學。 本校受呂明才基金資助興辦,乃全港唯一以呂祥光命名的小學。於同區與本校毗鄰的有路德會呂祥光中學及路德會呂祥光幼稚園。 |
School History Founded on February 2, 1982, we are an aided primary school admitting both boys and girls, with the teaching of "love, joy and peace" as our school motto. In September 2005, we were converted to a whole-day school whereas the PM school moved to the new premises in Butterfly Estate, Tuen Mun, which is the present Lutheran Tsang Shing Siu Leun School. 學校簡史 本校創立於1982年2月2日,為一所兼收男女生的資助小學,以「仁愛、喜樂、和平」為校訓。2005年9月開始轉為全日制(下午校遷往蝴蝶邨,現為路德會增城兆霖學校)。 |