Campus Facilities 學校設施

Our school occupies three academic buildings equipped with an array of state-of-the-art facilities featuring an English reading corridor, a future classroom, a theatre, a multi-purpose room, a microfilm production studio and a podium garden, alongside classrooms, special rooms and playgrounds, creating a pleasant atmosphere for students in pursuit of knowledge.


Full View 全貌
 Entrance 入口

G/F Lobby 地下大堂

1/F Lobby 一樓大堂

Classroom 課室

Classroom 課室

Computer Room 電腦室

Future Classroom 未來教室

Library 圖書館

Solomon Storyland 所羅門英語世界

Music Room 音樂室

Visual Arts Room 視藝室

Hall 禮堂

Conference Centre 會議中心

Toy Library 玩具圖書館
English Room 英語室

Basketball court 籃球場

Covered Playground 有蓋操場

Covered Playground 內操場

Podium Garden 空中花園

International Exchange Center 國際交流中心

Microfilm Production Studio 微電影製作室

The Tropical Rainforest Ecological Learning Corner