School Bulletin Board Design Competition and National Security Education Day Online Quiz Competition


The Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau held the School Bulletin Board Design Competition on National Security in March 2021 to encourage students to express their creativity to decorate the bulletin board on the theme of national security.  The judging panel conducted a first round of assessment to shortlist five primary schools and five secondary schools among 250 primary and secondary schools for the final and we were honoured to win the Merit Award.

With a view to enhancing students’ understanding of the constitution, rule of law, national security and national affairs, the Education Bureau organized the National Security Education Day Online Quiz Competition to underscore the importance of safeguarding national security and explain how national security is closely connected with every aspect of our daily lives to defend the nation’s well-being across society.  In acknowledgement of our collaborative effort, an award was presented to us for being the top 30 schools with the highest level of participation in the competition.


此外,教育局同時舉辧了「全民國家安全教育日網上問答比賽」,以提升學生對《憲法》與國家安全的認識,加強學生認識法治和 國情,明白保障國家安全的重要性,並了解國家安全與日常生活息息相關,以及其對個人、社會及國家的重要性。本校學生的參與率為全港最高的首 30 所學校,故獲得了「最積極參與學校獎」。


媒體報道︰ 頭條日報(30.6.2021)

教育局局長楊潤雄先生 Facebook