2021 ROBOFEST Preliminary Selection Contest
2021 Robofest 機械人大賽


Congratulations go to our students who took part in the 2021 ROBOFEST Preliminary Selection Contest run by Lawrence Technological University to carry off a total of 13 awards at the “Exhibition” Creative Robot Contest and the “Robo Parade” Creative Robot Contest to once again notch up a hard-fought victory to finish as the first runner-up and enter the International ROBOFEST Contest to compete with students from all over the world, giving them a big leg up and a fresh perspective on global citizenship to become self-assured and globally minded.

本校參加由美國勞倫斯理工大學(Lawrence Technological University) 主辦的2021 Robofest 機械人大賽香港區賽事,於Exhibition機械人創意賽及Robo Parade創意機械人巡遊賽兩個項目中獲得共13個獎項。本校學生更於難度最高的比賽項目中奪得亞軍,並獲世界賽的出線權,與來自世界各地的代表切磋及交流,擴闊國際視野。