News & Updates
- 2022 SOA Results 2022年升中派位結果 End: 2022-07-26
- 四十周年聯校感恩祟拜暨校慶典禮 - 芭蕾舞表演 End: 2022-07-23
- 2021-22年度六年級畢業典禮 End: 2022-07-20
- [我們的榮譽]2022中銀青少年發展計劃新界小學分區劍擊比賽 End: 2022-07-16
- 基督少年軍立願禮 End: 2022-07-12
- 呂小運動競技日 End: 2022-07-08
English Drama: Antony & Cleopatra
英語話劇《安東尼與克麗奧佩托拉》 End: 2022-07-07 - 16th Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem-Solving Competition (Gold Award) 第十六屆香港小學數學創意解難比賽金獎 End: 2022-07-04
- 2021 TOEFL® Best of the Best Awards in Hong Kong 2021 年全港少年托福大獎 End: 2022-06-22
Primary One Registration
辧理小一入學註冊 End: 2022-06-07 - Waitlist Application for Primary One Admission 小一候補生申請 End: 2022-05-17
As the Red Rainstorm Warning Signal is now in force, classes of school are suspended today.
紅色暴雨警告信號現正生效,學校今日停課。 End: 2022-05-13 - Our Honors (Awards Bestowed)我們的榮譽(本校獲獎消息) End: 2022-05-07
Arrangements for Resumption of Face-to-Face Classes after Easter Holidays
有關學校復活假期後恢復面授課堂的安排 End: 2022-04-25 -
Warmly Welcome the Resumption of In-person Classes
4月25日喜迎復課 End: 2022-04-25 -
Continuation of suspension of face-to-face classes for schools in Hong Kong until March 6
全港學校維持暫停面授課堂至三月六日 End: 2022-02-14 - Extension of suspension of face-to-face classes for all schools after Chinese New Year holidays全港學校農曆新年假期後延長暫停面授課堂 End: 2022-01-27
Our Honors (Awards Bestowed)
我們的榮譽 (獲獎消息) End: 2022-01-21 - Suspension of Face-to-Face Classes Until After Chinese New Year 2022年1月12日起暫停面授課堂安排 End: 2022-01-12
- 2021 Christmas Worship and Party 2021聖誕崇拜暨聯歡會 End: 2021-12-22
- 2021 Sister School Scheme 2021 姊妹學校計劃交流活動 End: 2021-12-22
- Our Honors (Awards Bestowed) 我們的榮譽 (獲獎消息) End: 2021-11-26
- 2022-2023 Primary One Admission Result 2022-2023小一自行分配學位派位結果 End: 2021-11-22
- Mooncake Distribution Spreads Warmth 月餅送暖行動 End: 2021-09-22
- Garnering Gold Award at Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem-Solving Competition for Primary Schools 香港數學創意解難比賽(小學)金獎 End: 2021-07-27
- 2020/2021 School Performing Arts in Practice Arts in Practice Scheme 2020/2021學校演藝實踐計劃 End: 2021-07-16
- Creative Infographic Design Competition on Applications of Mathematics for Primary and Secondary Schools 中小學數學應用創意信息圖設計比賽 End: 2021-07-08
- Vacation Bible School 2021 End: 2021-07-07
- 2021 SOA Results 2021升中派位結果 End: 2021-07-06
- Rule of Law through Drama 「透過戲劇實踐法治」-2020/2021學校巡迴演出 End: 2021-06-21
- Overseas Exchange Programme 個人成長體驗課程-新常態下的境外交流 End: 2021-04-28
- 39th Anniversary 39周年校慶 End: 2021-03-31
- Resumption of Face-to-Face Classes 全校恢復半天面授課堂 End: 2021-03-05
- 2020-2021Cross-subject Project 跨學科專題學習計劃 End: 2021-02-01
- The Inaugural Ceremony of the Hong Kong Red Cross Junior Units 香港紅十字會少年團第137團成立暨宣誓典禮 End: 2021-01-19
- Energy Saving Charter 節能約章2020 End: 2021-01-18
- ETS TOEFL Primary® Global Assessment Excellence Awards 托福考試全球最佳成績大獎 End: 2021-01-11
- 2021 New Year’s Day Flag Raising Ceremony 2021元旦日升旗禮 End: 2021-01-04
- 2020-2021 Christmas Ornament Competition 2020-2021年度聖誕吊飾比賽 End: 2020-12-22
- 2021-2022 Primary One Admission Result 2021-2022 小一自行分配學位派位結果 End: 2020-11-23
- 2021 Primary One Admission小一入學申請 End: 2020-09-21
- Vacation Bible School 2020 End: 2020-07-20
- 美國路德會短宣隊訪校 End: 2019-10-17
- Winter Vacation Bible School (VBS) End: 2019-02-11